Wally parking signs increase safety and order in company car parks and at blocks of flats! In our range you will find solutions for space reservations, special signage or parking bans. Made of high-quality materials, weatherproof and available in a personalised option with your registration number. Check out our range and choose the perfect signage for your car park!
What health and safety boards do you find in our offer? Both those showing signs of injunction, prohibition and information. The most universal and at the same time most useful can turn out to be the signs informing about the ban on parking in a given place - you can use them both in company and private spaces. You can choose between banned parking signs due to the entrance gate, private premises or a fire road.
Information boards marking appropriate parking spaces or areas accessible only to customers of a given company will also prove to be a practical solution.
The health and safety boards available in our offer are made of the highest quality foamed PVC on which we apply the overprint, which does not fade over time. Our boards can be used both in indoor and outdoor parking lots as well as on the streets!
Check our offer of practical parking boards!