How do wall murals differ from wallpaper?

p>Wallpapers and photo wallpapers - both are popular choices for decorating the walls of a house, but have you ever wondered what exactly sets them apart, since we call them slightly differently? This question may seem simple at first glance, but the truth is that the differences between them are much deeper than we might think. That's why today we will take a closer look at both options to help you make the best decision for your interior. Wallpaper or photo wallpaper? We hope that today's post will make the choice easier and show you the differences between these forms of interior decoration. Enjoy reading!

Wallpapers - a classic decoration

Wallpaper, often simply called wallpaper, is an incredibly versatile way to change the look of a room. Wallpapers come in different styles and colors, offering the possibility of decoration in many ways. They are often made of paper, vinyl, fabric, or other materials, which give character to a particular room.

Furthermore, wallpapers are available in various patterns, giving you a wide range of options when creating the interior style. You can choose from subtle, solid colors as well as bolder patterns and graphics.

City of the World Wallpaper

City of the World Wallpaper - a wall decoration that will transport you to any place on Earth every day

Photo Wallpaper - personalized wall decoration and more

On the other hand, we have photo wallpapers, a similar form of wall decoration that has its unique features, which can also be successfully used on other types of surfaces such as doors, and more. They are images printed on a large scale that can depict various scenes - from landscapes and portraits to abstract patterns. It is a perfect solution for people who want to bring more personalization and character to their homes.

Reflection of a Bridge in Water Wallpaper - an example of decoration that visually elongates any room, thanks to the perspective of the receding background

What sets photo wallpaper apart from wallpaper?

The key difference between the two forms of decoration lies in the personalization and scalability of photo wallpapers. They are printed taking into account the specifics of a given room, fitting perfectly into its character. The often larger-sized patterns are able to visually enlarge the interior, creating an illusion that even a small room is spacious - an example of this are 3D photo wallpapers from Wally's offer. On the other hand, classic wallpapers are based on cyclical patterns that create a uniform background.

The most significant difference is that photo wallpapers are the result of digital printing based on high-quality photographs and graphics, which can be adjusted to the individual requirements of the room. Wallpapers are standard and do not offer such modification of patterns, scale, or colors.

Lastly, thanks to digital printing technology, photo wallpapers on the wall present an incredibly detailed texture and depth, attracting attention and adding a unique character to the space.

Photo Wallpaper or Wallpaper? Which type of decoration to choose?

The choice between wallpaper and photo wallpaper largely depends on your taste and expectations. If you are looking for a versatile solution that will fit most styles, wallpaper may be the right choice for you.

Bamboo Wall Wallpaper

Bamboo Wallpaper will bring a fresh, natural atmosphere to your interior, promoting calmness and relaxation

On the other hand, if you want something special and unique, photo wallpaper will be the perfect choice.

Plant Heart Photo Wallpaper

Plant Heart Photo Wallpaper is a motif that will appeal to nature lovers and those who appreciate small gestures

Choosing wallpaper or photo wallpaper is always a good solution!

It is worth remembering that regardless of your choice, both wallpapers and photo wallpapers can transform the atmosphere in your home and give it a unique character. Therefore, they are highly recommended solutions for living rooms, bedrooms, as well as children's rooms.

Are you interested in interior design with wallpapers and photo wallpapers? In that case, we encourage you to visit Wallyboards' online decoration store. In our assortment, you will find hundreds of designs that you can fully customize according to your preferences, allowing you to create the space of your dreams in your home!

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