What to use to wash dry erase boards?

Dry erase boards have been very popular for many years, mainly in schools and office buildings, but not only - they are also used at home. They are an interesting alternative to traditional chalkboards - you can write on them with colored markers, which is a great option, especially for visual learners. Regardless of where we use the boards, it is worth taking care that they enjoy an impeccable appearance and cleanliness for many years. But how to do it? What to use to wash dry erase boards from the marker? This is what today's entry is about and we would like to invite you to read it by Wallyboards team.

A few words about dry erase boards

Before we move on to how to clean the dry erase boards, let's talk in a few sentences, why they are so popular and what is in favor of such equipment to be supplied to the home, office or school.

Already at the very beginning we can see the advantages in the simplicity of use. All we need to write on the surface of the whiteboard is a marker or a pencil. The use of such utensils is definitely more convenient than the use of chalk, which for years we had to deal with mainly at school and university. Why? The reason is simple - markers do not dirty hands or clothes, which is not so obvious in the case of chalk.

What's more, writing with colored markers ensures optimal legibility - dry erase boards are usually white or black, making most marker colors perfectly visible even from a distance.Tablica suchościeralna na drzwi

Innovative dry erase board for doors from Wallyboards is perfect for a home office or child's room
Czarna tablica suchościeralna

Black dry erase board made to order from Wallyboards is an interesting and tasteful alternative to white surfaces

Cleaning a dry erase board - it's not that hard!

When faced with a purchasing decision, many people wonder how to clean a dry erase board and if it is a hassle. After all, many of us don't have the time (and energy) on a daily basis to thoroughly clean the surface where notes or other important information is posted.

The name itself tells us how to clean a dry erase board - the whole process is done dry. This is another advantage over traditional chalkboards which require the use of a damp sponge. You probably know from experience how inconvenient it can be to wipe off the chalk and wet the cloth each time, which usually involves going to the bathroom or a room with access to running water.Komplet markerów suchościeralnych

Set of colored dry erase markers, unlike chalk, they do not stain hands and do not require the use of a wet sponge

What to clean dry erase boards with? The first choice is a magnetic sponge

We can slowly move on to the point of today's article, which is what to clean dry erase boards with. We mentioned earlier that the care of the surface we write on is done dry. In order to get rid of marker marks, you should reach for a magnetic sponge, which has a delicate backing, thanks to which you will save yourself from scratching the board, while getting rid of the marker thoroughly.
Planer suchościeralny

Dry erase board from the offer of the Wallyboards store - modern board which will help you to plan your week at work or home. Easy-care surface - to wash off the inscriptions just use a rag.

How to clean dry erase boards without streaking? Think microfibre cloths

How do I clean dry erase boards without leaving streaks on the surface? Generally, a good quality magnetic sponge should do the job. However, if you expect even better cleaning results, you can easily use microfibre cloths. They are also a great solution if you only want to erase a small fragment of a note (sponges are more difficult to manoeuvre between writing).

Kolorowa tablica suchościeralna dla dzieci do nauki pisania

Colorful dry erase board for kids to learn to write "Cosmos". Just use a magnetic sponge or microfibre cloths to clean the surface

Whiteboard liquid, or what to use to wash dry erase boards?

You already know what to clean the dry erase boards with, so we can move on to the next issue, which is cleaning the surface. Of course, it is true that dry erase boards are wiped off, but it is worth knowing that in order to properly maintain their beautiful appearance, it is also necessary to use special wet cleaning products. How to clean a dry erase board?

The most sensible choice is a special whiteboard fluid. It is recommended to use it regularly, which will help to keep the whiteboard surface in good condition for many years. However, it is worth remembering that it cannot be the first preparation from the store - products of unknown origin may discolour the board.

Liquids, which are dedicated to wash the dry erase board, have preservative properties, thanks to which they perfectly protect their surfaces against the penetration of dirt, as well as cleaning properties, thanks to which they perfectly deal with the traces that have remained on the surface for a long time.

Dwustronna tabliczka suchościeralna w ramce na nóżce teleskopowej

Double-sided dry erase board in a telescopic leg frame that you can easily wipe clean of writing that has been left on it for weeks

What do I use to erase permanent marker from a dry erase board?

How do I remove permanent marker from a dry erase board? Contrary to appearances, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Of course, using just a sponge or a cloth is not enough - this type of marker, unfortunately, as the name suggests, is permanent, which means it is very durable. However, this does not mean that we will not be able to clean our whiteboard.

How do you wash a permanent marker off a dry erase board? The best way is to cover it with a special dry erase marker, which has similar properties to nail polish remover. In practice, you simply apply the marker to the marker and then reach for a sponge or a cloth - and you're done!

At this point, it is worth adding that it is not allowed to write on the blackboard surface with a permanent marker.

How to clean a dry erase board - summary

Cleaning a dry erase board is not very demanding or complicated. A magnetic sponge or a microfiber cloth will undoubtedly be useful for daily care. Moreover, at least once a day, it is good to use a special liquid for cleaning dry erasable boards, thanks to which the surface will remain in an impeccable condition for a long time and will enjoy cleanliness every day.

Are you looking for modern and interesting dry erase boards for your home, office or school? Then be sure to visit the online store with wall decorations Wallyboards. There are hundreds of designs available in the assortment to suit your requirements. On our website you will find customized dry erase boards, with your own imprint, in the form of planners, with graphics, easy to manage, educational for children and many others. You are welcome!

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