Paintings reproductions - Leon Wyczółkowski

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Leon Jan Wyczółkowski (b. 1852, d. 1936) is one of the leading representatives of the Young Poland period in the realist painting trend. He was regularly active in actions aimed at popularizing Polish art, and his beloved technique was oil painting and pastel drawing. Wyczółkowski's passion for Japanese aesthetics was also burning, and paintings with a clear use of props such as kimona, screens or Chinese porcelain come from this period.

<Landscapes, still life and floral inspirations play an important role in the artist's art. Wyczółkowski is also one of the pioneers of graphic design in Polish art.

Selected works: Leon Wyczółkowski - self-portrait, Spring in Gościeradzu, The head of Christ, Portrait of a young woman in the painter's studio, Veil, Merry.

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