Paintings reproductions - Bernardo Bellotto - Canaletto

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Bernardo Bellotto (born 30 January 1721 in Venice, died 17 November 1780 in Warsaw). He became famous as a painter of verdut, i.e. small landscapes depicting urban views and a court artist at the court of Stanisław August Poniatowski. He studied the art of painting in the studio of his uncle Canal.

Bellotto used an optical instrument called camera obscura, which enabled very accurate recording of building proportions and perspectives.

To prepare excellent preparatory drawings, Bellotto used an optical instrument called camera obscura, which enabled very accurate recording of building proportions and perspectives.

Selected works: Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw from the side of Nowy Swiat, Długa Street in Warsaw, View of Warsaw from Praga side, Blue Palace, Reform Church.

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