Paintings reproductions - August Macke

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August Macke (born January 3, 1887, died September 26, 1914) is a well-known German expressionist. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf and Berlin. During his first trip to Paris, he came into contact with Impressionism. His friendship with Lovis Corinthe and Franc Mark had a great influence on his work. He died during the First World War at the age of 27. He used watercolours and oil paints most often. The uniqueness of his works lies in pure colouring and poetic mood.

I was killed at the front of World War I as a deputy officer in Champagne. He was only 27 years old. Shortly before his death, he painted a painting Farewell to him, which heralded the end of the artist's life and the collapse of the Blaue Reiter group.

Selected works::Girls in the greenery, Women in front of a hat shop, Sewing woman, Landscape with home, Blue parrots.

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